(The) Unconfined life. is a way of life..

(The) Unconfined life. is a way of life..

(The) Unconfined life.

is a way of life.. In this day and age, it is essential to learn from one another and to share our knowledge .. to grow as human beings. To evolve. We can learn about ourself through self expression, creative endeavors, being out in the world and specifically in nature. We all have our unique way to express ourself that knows not the boundary that we might want to put on ourself, who we are.. the character that we have been carefully crafting to be part of this world. We have to “Break the habit of being ourself” Joe Dispenza… And be true to ourself every moment of our life “The truth is the adventure of life” Jordan Peterson.

I am a photographer by trade, even though my core work remains the same, I am in the process of expending the message that is (The) Unconfined Life. and it is coming in different ways that will involve interviews, videos, inspirational material. Stay tuned. It is a process, I am growing with it and hopefully soon more of us will live and learn to craft their own Unconfined Life.

The shift is coming, be ready to embark on this journey, we can make our lives and the world so much better for all.